Certified Analytics Professional Certification brought to you by INFORMS

CAP Preferred Employer (CPE)

CAP Preferred Employer status is offered to companies, or relevant departments within companies, who commit to prioritizing the hiring of CAP/aCAP certified professionals when sourcing operations research, data science or analytics candidates. These employers recognize that the CAP/aCAP certification is a tool for vetting prospective employees and recruiting and retaining top analytics talent. These CPEs also help current employees to become CAP certified in conjunction with this initiative. Encouraging employees to pursue their CAP certification creates new opportunities for their long-term success and provides new avenues for your organization’s analytics-based growth and success.

Certified Analytics Professionals are employed at Fortune 100 Companies, including American Express, Apple, Boeing, Capital One, Coca-Cola, Comcast, DuPont, Humana, IBM, JP Morgan Chase, Lockheed Martin, Principal, UPS, and more. We recognize that companies at this level have optimized hiring processes to find the right employee who is guaranteed to be able to perform the scope of work they were hired to do.

Benefits to companies enrolled in the CPE program

Be recognized as a leader in the analytics space

  • Demonstrate your commitment to the field by helping to drive an industry standard for excellence

INFORMS Career Center

  • Your organization’s job postings will be shown at the top of INFORMS Career Center listings
  • Featured Jobs in emails to Job Seekers in INFORMS Career Center


  • Any employee will receive for taking the CAP or aCAP exams
  • You'll receive a discount on the INFORMS CAP Preparation Course
  • Advertising discounts in INFORMS publications (OR/MS Today, eNews, Analytics)

INFORMS Events & Publications

  • Special event invitations at in-person INFORMS Career Fairs
  • Preferred tables at INFORMS Career Fairs
  • Special Recognition at INFORMS Analytics Conference
  • Your company will be highlighted on our CPE page with your logo and a link to your Careers page
  • Company Profile featured in Analytics magazine (1 per month, first come, first served)

Join these CAP Preferred Employers

DataPrime logo

DataPrime logo


Sign up to become a CPE